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God will start giving you some real answers

Joyce Meyer (6)

Joyce Meyer Online said That whatever happened to just being committed to be somewhere whether you actually feel like being there or not? Whatever happened to convenient or inconvenient, in season or out? Amen!: Sacrifice is not a cuss word. Amen! We’re having fun today already, I can tell! Amen!: I think that we need to get bold enough to ask some questions. One of the questions that I asked myself many years ago that changed my life was: What is wrong? What is wrong?! I’m going to church. I’ve gone to the seminar. I learned how to rebuke devils. I know all about spiritual warfare. I’ve got the tapes. I bought the tee-shirt. I’ve got the bumper sticker. Why is the devil still in control? Why am I not happy? Why am I not happy?

According to Joyce Meyer that God, show me the real reason why I’m not happy! If you begin to ask some real questions, God will start giving you some real answers, like the day when I was praying for Dave to change. I tell you, I was praying so hard for Dave to change! I mean, I was into one of these real intercessory prayer times or so I thought and I mean, I was pounding on the floor with my fists: Oh God, you gotta change Dave! God, you gotta show him the truth. God, we’ve got the word now and it’s time for us to go forward in ministry, and God, you’ve got to change Dave! He’s just so selfish!

According to Joyce Meyer Ministries that the Lord popped my little bubble and I heard the voice of the Lord say: Dave is not the problem. Of course, he’s been rejoicing ever since. We always think it’s somebody else and we always love putting the blame for our unhappiness on somebody else. You know what I figured out? My personal joy is not somebody else’s responsibility. Amen!:

Joyce Meyer Online – If I’m not happy, it’s not because I need another one of something I’ve already got too many of. It’s not because Dave is watching too much football and playing too much golf. It’s not because my kids aren’t doing what I want them to. It’s not because the bank account’s not fat enough.

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Listening to God

Joyce Meyer (3)

Joyce Meyer Ministries says however, he said — this is so great! — however, he said, — this is in John 16 — he said, “I will send the spirit of truth and he will come to be with you and in you, and when the spirit of truth comes, he will guide you.” Isn’t that a cool word? Not “beat you with it.” He will guide you into all truth, and he will transmit to you everything that is mine from the father because it’s all for you and I want you to have it all. But see, God could only release the blessing part of this package to us as we grow in the word, but the more we grow in the word, the more he can release to us.

Joyce Meyer said that so he sends the Holy Spirit into our life to continually bring us up higher and higher and higher and higher and higher and higher. There’s just something about God telling you what’s wrong with you that’s so much better than a person having to tell you. Now I know there are people thinking, “well, yeah, but what if people aren’t listening to God?” Chances are if they won’t listen to him, they won’t listen to you either but, you know, if you want to make yourself miserable and wear yourself out, just have at it. You can ruin all the relationships you want to by telling everybody what’s wrong with them 25 times a day.

According to Joyce Meyer Ministries that It even makes it worse when you can say, “the bible says…” Now, that doesn’t mean that there are not times when we should talk to people about behavior, but I’ll be honest with you — most of the time that’s not going to do you a whole lot of good unless there’s a relationship that’s been built. We are getting pretty pathetic at relationships in this nation.

Joyce Meyer – I said we are getting pretty pathetic at relationships in this nation because we are so busy climbing the corporate ladder of success and multi- tasking and making money and owning things and stressing out over our busy schedules and trying to impress one another.

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His righteousness

Joyce Meyer (2)

Having my pity party today. Joyce Meyer feel pitiful on Monday. On Tuesday, I get depressed. On Wednesday, I get mad. I’m busy, though.” Some people are even religiously busy. We can even get busy doing good works. The world is full of wounded people wearing masks because they either don’t know what they’re supposed to be like, they lost themselves a long time ago, or they think they do know what they’re like and they’re ashamed of who they are. They feel unaccepted so they should just pretend all the time that everything is okay when it’s not. David admitted when he was hurting. You can’t get help until you admit you have a need. Stop trying to impress everyone and yourself with your togetherness. Joyce Meyer Ministries  think our motto in life becomes: Look at me, I’ve got it all together. Sister super-Christian. Brother saint. We want to be super-sheep and “super” and “sheep” don’t even go together. Jesus called us sheep because sheep are dumb. They couldn’t get across the yard if somebody didn’t lead them. They’ll eat poisonous weeds and all kinds of stuff. When we come into a relationship with God — and I think this is so awesome — there’s a divine exchange that’s supposed to take place. He takes our sin. He gives us his righteousness. He takes our shame. He gives us righteousness. He takes our blame. He gives us righteousness. When I married Dave, he had a car and I didn’t have one. As soon as I said “I do” I had a car. Now that car didn’t become mine as long as we were just engaged. I didn’t get his name when we were engaged. Anybody getting this figured out? Yes!: Some of you are just dating Jesus; you haven’t said “I do” yet. Joyce Meyer Online. When you say “yes” to a marriage partner, you’re saying an eternal “yes” to a lot of stuff that you don’t even know what you’re saying “yes” to yet. We need to say that eternal “yes” to God tonight. “Yes, Lord” to whatever. I trust you with my life. Whatever you want to do with me, I want you to do it. Your plan may not be my plan but I’m saying “I do” tonight. I’m saying “yes.” You know what happens? Joyce Meyer states when we really mean it and we say that eternal “yes” to God and we enter into a serious relationship with God… And there is a difference in just going to church and having a very serious committed dedicated relationship with God. There’s a difference.

Joyce Meyer- He likes it all; it doesn’t matter what it is. Here I am now, sitting with two of the most famous ball players in the world and I don’t know very much about sports at all. I told Lou I can at least understand baseball, but as you know, Kurt, I keep losing the football so.

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Follow the spirit

Joyce Meyer (2)

Zoro: Um…

Joyce Meyer Online: …Somebody that you shared with that you felt was really a key person or something that was really important for the kingdom.

Zoro: There’s been countless people that I’ve shared with, and to me anybody where I’ve seen the fruit of their life change… There’s been celebrity people that I’ve shared the Lord with who will remain nameless, but then I would begin to see the fruit and the evidence and the change in their life, and I would go, “wow, God, this is awesome,” because they’re influencers. So if I can influence influencers, we’re changing things dramatically because unfortunately people look up to Hollywood and all that stuff. I always tell young people, “do you know what? Don’t model yourself after that world.” I say, “if the flesh could satisfy, then Howard Hughes and Anna Nicole and Elvis and everybody else would have died the happiest people on the earth.” I say, “follow the spirit because the spirit is the part in you that God has given you to find him, but the flesh can’t find him.”

Joyce Meyer – And everybody is equally important — I totally agree with that — But one of the things that I do pray is that people with positions of influence will be truly born again because when you have a position of influence, immediately you can affect a lot of other people. Now we all have a sphere of influence; I don’t care who we are.  Joyce Meyer Ministries. If you’re a mother, you have influence over your children. Wherever you work, whatever you do, in the neighborhood, every single person does have an influence. And I think the question that I would like to leave our viewing audience with today is you are having an influence, but what kind of an influence are you having?


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To worship God

Joyce Meyer (8)

Oh, I’m liking this! “Busy” to me has become like the new four-letter word. You see somebody who used to be a great friend and you haven’t heard from him in six months: “Oh, hey — hey, sister! Hey!” You see her walking in the mall: “How are you?” “Oh, I’m fine.” “Haven’t heard from you in a long time. What’s going on?” “Oh, I’ve just been busy. Yeah, I’ll call you soon.” Whew, we need to change.  Joyce Meyer think the biggest challenge in front of us today — and I wouldn’t call it a burden but I feel the real weight of this as a teacher of God’s word — I feel like one of the greatest responsibilities that I have in front of me today, and I’m praying about this a lot, is how to teach people to live a holy life and yet not be legalistic.

Does anybody know what I’m talking about? Because you see what’s happened in our quest for freedom is we’ve forgotten that God is a Holy God and that he says, “be holy for I am holy.” And holy means that you’re separated and set apart for God’s use. Do you see this glass? This nice lovely… It’s not real crystal but it’s… I said, “get me a pretty glass.” Well, this is my glass and everybody knows that this is my glass.  Joyce Meyer Ministries states this is set apart for my water in the conferences. Now we can get this; that’s pretty simple: No, you can’t take that; that’s Joyce’s glass. Well, you belong to God.

You don’t belong to the world. You’re not here for some other person to manipulate you and tell you what you should do and make all these demands on you that keep you away from God. You have to be a God-pleaser, not a people-pleaser. You’re here to serve God, to love God, to worship God, to praise God. Now in case you’re starting to hear, “what about me?” How many of you agree that we need to pursue a new level of holiness in our society today?

Joyce Meyer – We have got some problems and somebody has to set a standard. We keep saying, “well, I wish they’d do this and I wish they’d do that.

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God releases joy in our lives

Joyce Meyer (2)

If Joyce Meyer not happy, something is wrong in me – inside of me, something is wrong; there’s an attitude that’s wrong or a behavior pattern that’s wrong. God releases joy in our lives when we’re living to please him and I believe that more than anything else, we need to – get ready now, buckle your seat belt! – we need to forget about ourselves, we need to forget about our own little problems, our own little needs, our own little breakthroughs, and we need to get up every day and say: God, I can’t do anything about me. I’m giving myself to you. You change me.

Joyce Meyer Ministries states that you do in me what needs to be done. You fix my problem and if you don’t fix my problem, then I guess I’ll just show up at heaven’s door with my problem but I belong to you. You knew what you were getting when you called me into relationship with yourself. I’m not even going to apologize for myself anymore. I’m asking you today, God, to show me what I can do to make somebody else’s life better.

Joyce Meyer Online. Many of you came here asking God for an answer to your problem and I am giving you the answer to your problem right now. You don’t need to ask God one more time to tell you what your answer is, I’m giving it to you: Get your mind off yourself and let God use you to be a blessing to somebody else. Unless the grain of wheat falls into the ground and dies, it abides alone, but if it dies, it will produce much fruit.

Joyce Meyer – What kind of an influence are you having on other people? The following story proves that we have an influence on people, especially the people who live in the house with us.

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God Wants To Bless Our Lives

Joyce Meyer (2)

When Jesus had what we call the last supper with his disciples, the bible says that he blessed the bread, he broke it, and he gave it to them. I think there’s a message in those three words. God wants to bless our lives but he doesn’t want to stop there; he wants to break us and he wants to give us. Brokenness is not a bad word. It means the flesh is broken; the power of the flesh is broken so the spirit can be released.

Paul said, “death is actively at work in our flesh, that our life might be actively at work in you.” I have a gift that God has given me and I can be a blessing to a lot of people with that gift but if my flesh is stronger than my spirit, then I’m not ever going to get to be any value to God because he won’t be able to trust me. We have to grow up and growing up means that we learn how to choose the spirit and not the flesh. Is everybody with me tonight? (yes.) I’m not going to ask you to tell me but if I did, how many of you could tell me exactly what God’s dealing with you about right now in your life? See, it’s a lot of people. How many have so many things you can’t figure out what he’s dealing with you about right now? (laughing) the great thing about what we read in Matthew 26 is that Jesus made it very clear they had to pray.

The bible says he went and prayed and he told the disciples, “pray that you come not into temptation.” he went off and prayed, then went back and found them asleep. “what? Can’t you stay awake one hour?” the bible says he prayed a second time, went back and found them asleep. He went a third time, the bible says, and prayed again, and right after that, those who were going to capture him came and took him. He was ready now. He was prayed up. He was strong. Even though it was going to be hard, he knew now that he could do the will of God. Don’t think that you can just do it without prayer.

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Prayer Is A Privilege

Joyce Meyer (7)

Prayer is not an obligation. Prayer is a privilege. What would be wrong with somebody who didn’t want to have the privilege to go to the creator, the master of everything, and get the help they need? We have to stop looking at prayer like an obligation and how we need to put in a certain amount of minutes every day to keep God satisfied. God doesn’t need us to pray. We need to pray! One of the things that motivates you to pray is when you really understand something that Jesus said in Matthew 26: the spirit is willing. The flesh is weak. The spirit is willing. The flesh is weak. Well, if God’s dealing with us all the time like revelation 3 says, how does he deal with us? What does it take to change us?

I believe the way God deals with us is like this: Jesus, the holy spirit convict us and work on us inside and it would just be really great if we would just listen and do what God tells us to and just get it over with. We get to that point where we do that more and more, where the minute God starts dealing with you about something, you already know there’s no point in going around the mountain 300 times because in the end, if you’re going to be happy, God is going to get his way. It’s kind of like if momma’s not happy, nobody’s happy, so you might as well go clean up the room because momma’s not going to be happy until you do. That’s the way it is with God.

You’re not going to be happy and have joy and peace and feel right inside until you learn to do things God’s way. So if we would learn to just take that “God’s dealing with me, I need to apologize to Dave,” so I get in there and apologize to Dave. “Dave, I’m sorry.” get it over with in a few minutes. But most of us, sad to say, especially in the beginning of our walk with God, we don’t learn that quickly, so not only does God deal with us inside but he brings circumstances to press us from the outside. Between the holy ghost pushing from the inside and the circumstances pressing from the outside, guess what happens? We get squashed in the middle. The flesh finally gets broken. So on a practical level, what kind of things does God use? Well, one of the things that we can’t stand is being out of control. We want to control stuff. The only thing we don’t want to control is self. We don’t care much about self-control (laughing)

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Preach The Word Of God

Joyce Meyer (21)

Which is really the only kind of control God gave us. We’ll save that for tomorrow. We want to control everybody else, we want to control our circumstances, we want to control God, we want to control the future, we want to control our kids. We just want to control everything, so what does God use?  He uses things out of our control that we just can’t do one thing about, no matter how hard we try, no matter how mad it makes us, we cannot make that kid change, we cannot make that spouse change, we cannot change the company we work for, we can’t get rid of the traffic, (laughing) we can’t keep people from waking us up in hotel rooms when we have “do not disturb” signs on the door. We cannot keep the husband from rattling the cracker bag in the morning. (laughing)

You weren’t here this morning but I told a little story about how when we’re out in these hotels, we don’t have a lot of space and I’m trying to study and Dave was in the room this morning trying to get crackers out of a bag and I thought, “how long will it take you to get a cracker out of that bag?” I’m trying to pray and be spiritual and over in the corner I’m hearing: crunch, crunch. Do you know what he said to me as soon as the meeting was over?  He said, “you wait until in the morning!” so when we got back to the room tonight, the first thing he did was run and grab the two cracker bags and run over to where I was and rub them together. (laughing)

So I want you to know that I pay for these messages that I preach to you. (laughing) I had Joel and Victoria Osteen on the tv program the other day and I love a story she told. She said the other day Joel was shooting a bb gun with his son and she said, “I got all worried about it and didn’t want him to do it and said, “Joel, stop that. Somebody’s going to get hurt.” he’s like, “nobody’s going to get hurt.  Everything’s fine. I know what I’m doing.

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Trusting God Is A Great Privilege

Joyce Meyer (22)

I’ve got everything under control.” and she said, “I was worrying and fussing around and all of a sudden I thought: you know what?  There’s not a thing I can do about this because he’s not going to stop, so I might as well just get in agreement with him and keep my peace and keep my power.” well, see, she’s learned! She’s learned! I’ve learned in many ways. I know when to keep trying to talk him into something and I know when to just shut up and go make myself happy doing something else because it’s just not going to work. But I didn’t learn that overnight. I went around and around and around the same stupid mountain over and over and over and over and I just kept trying to do it my way, sowing to the flesh, trying to talk people into changing, trying to make people change, trying to convince them my way, my plan. The flesh, the flesh, the flesh. And what did I get? Ruin, decay, destruction, unhappiness, misery, upset, headaches, neck aches, backaches, stress disorders, everything. Trying to be “holy ghost, junior” is hard work!

Joyce: one thing is for sure, the selfish part of us wants control but if we ever really want to enjoy our life, we have to learn how to trust God. Trusting God is a great privilege.  I was talking with my husband about that the other day and I said what a wonderful blessing it is to not have to worry about all these things and just be able to pray and trust God. Today we’re offering a four-cd teaching series titled “enjoying a life of freedom” and you really will never be able to enjoy a life of freedom if you don’t learn how to trust God. We’re also going to include a bonus gift of my book called “21 ways to finding peace and happiness.” this is a really good book. I know because I wrote it. I also read it. “21 ways to finding peace and happiness.” we love you, we care about you and we want to get the word of God into your life because we know that’s what changed us. Listen to my announcer, then stay with me because I have some good news for you.

Joyce Meyer  – but then I realized over the course of my career as I had the highs and then the lows, I had more people come to me and say, “you’ve witnessed more to me, you’ve had more impact on my life now that I’ve seen you high and low because your life has stayed consistent.”

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