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Full Of Hope

Joyce Meyer (7)

Joyce Meyer says today on “enjoying everyday life” you can discover how powerful hope is and how it can help you through even the toughest battles in your life.

Joyce Meyer Onlinestated that I want to talk this morning about the hope of seeing change in your life. Is there anybody here who needs a change in any area? yeah!: A lot of people in the world are hopeless. Jesus didn’t die for us so we could be hopeless. He died for us so we could be hopeful – Full Of Hope. As a matter of fact, Dave and I talk about this often, we believe a lot of people are trying to have faith; but they don’t even have hope. See, hope is the happy anticipation that something good is going to happen in your life.

Joyce Meyer Ministries says that it’s expecting something good. What are you expecting? Some of you haven’t even thought about it; you’re really expecting nothing so you’re getting what you’re expecting. Or maybe you’re expecting a little bit, so you’re getting a little bit. I always say: I’d rather believe for a whole lot and get half of it than to believe for a little bit and get all of it. Doesn’t cost you any more to believe for a lot than it does for a little. Doesn’t cost anything to have hope, but it does cost you a lot if you’re hopeless because everything in your life begins to be down, down, down, down.

Joyce Meyer says hope is a favorable and a confident expectation. It has to do with the unseen and it has to do with the future. The devil wants you to believe that what you have now is what you’ll always have, especially if you have something bad. If you have something good going on right now, he’ll tell you that this will never last, but if you have something bad going on, he’ll tell you this will never change. We need to remember the devil is a liar.

Joyce Meyer Ministries says  I’ll tell you what’s hard: Staying in bondage is hard. Looking at yourself in the mirror and never liking the way you look, that’s hard!

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