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The sands of Egypt by Joyce Meyer

Joyce Meyer: We just want God to do something for me. We start out like the prodigal: Give me, give me, give me, give me, give me, give me. Give me my part of the inheritance. I want it now, now, now, now! The thing that I think is interesting about that whole story about the prodigal son is his father didn’t even argue with him; he just gave it to him. Sometimes I think god just has to give us what we think we want just to prove to us that that’s not really what we do want.

From the Amazon river to the sands of Egypt… Hyderabad, India… From the Mississippi gulf coast… In Zobecho, Ethiopia… All the way over here in Mumbai, India. At Joyce Meyer ministries, we’ve streamlined ways to make the most of the donations we receive. Our financial transparency policy makes it easy for you to view where the funds are being spent each year. We want to invite you to partner with us. If you’re already a partner, consider increasing your monthly gift. Be sure to sign up for auto-debit partnership. That way there’s no check to send and you’ll know your monthly donation is getting where it’s needed. When you sign up for auto-debit, we’re going to send you the “battlefield of the mind devotional” book as a free thank you gift. It’s yours free when you sign up for auto-debit partnership. Call right now. Joyce Meyer encouraged us to begin making a difference in someone’s life — someone who needs love, food, shelter, salvation; someone who needs you.

Joyce Meyer: Welcome back to the program. Author and pastor R.T. Kendall is with me today and we’re talking about how to totally forgive ourselves. We sent a crew out to gather questions for this topic. We call this segment “everyday dilemmas.” This question comes from Sandra.

Sandra: When you’ve been mean to somebody and you cannot go back and ask for forgiveness because that person is dead, how can you forgive yourself? – Joyce Meyer Ministries.

Joyce Meyer Online: And that was a great inspiration to me as a witness because he himself saw what he wanted to see in me, and I was just sitting there minding my own business. And I didn’t even have the answer; I didn’t have my bible with me.

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