Announcer coming up today on “enjoying everyday life.”
Pastor Mark Hankins: When we as believers learn how to plead the blood or to apply the blood of Jesus by faith, then that stops the devil and the Holy Spirit is constantly reminding us to use our authority and to apply that blood by faith. (music)
Joyce: Thank you for joining me today for another session of “enjoying everyday life.” I want to remind you again that as a Christian, you are armed and dangerous. For two weeks, my guests and I have taught you about the authority of a Christian and the power in the word of God and the name of Jesus. Today I’m gonna teach you why the blood of Jesus is so precious and how it applies to your life even 2,000 years after Jesus shed his blood for you. Joining me to discuss the power in the blood of Jesus is my special guest, pastor mark Hankins.
Narrator: Mark Hankins and his wife Trina answered the call of god on their lives over 30 years ago to enter full-time ministry.
Pastor Mark Hankins: Jesus is alive and he is Lord and you are in him and he is in you! Many of his nine books have been translated into several languages. Mark teaches people who they are and what they have through the Holy Spirit in Christ.
Joyce: Mark, thank you for being with us today.
Mark: Glad to be back.
Joyce: God put it on my heart a while back that I needed to teach a new series on the authority of the believer. I know for me, I was a Christian for a long time before I realized that I had any real authority. I thought I had to just put up with whatever came by in life. I felt like we needed to get back to some of the basics on the power that’s in the word, the power that’s in the name, the power that’s in the blood of Jesus, so today we’re gonna talk about why the blood of Jesus is so important as a central theme of our Christianity. Tell us about it.
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